Art Follows Money as Culture Becomes a Hot Commodity

轉自《紐時周報全文精譯》藝術追著錢跑 文化變成熱門商品


To artists and art lovers, museums are temples of knowledge and beauty, places of refuge that

 invite quiet reflection.


But the reigning values of the art world are money, prestige and power. Scholarship and

education take second nonstop fundraising, big-name architects, blockbuster shows,

attendance figures, gift shops, restaurants and branding. In the process, museums have

become part of a globalized creative industry.   


Little wonder, then, that old-style curators were recently shocked to learn that the French government had agreed to rent the name of the Louvre to Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, for 30 years for $520 million. As part of the full $1.3 billion deal, the Louvre and other French museums will also lend works and offer advice to Abu Dhabi.   


Why shocked? France has traditionally viewed culture as sacrosanct, not only inseparable from its identity, but also intrinsically good for people. Like health and education, it should be financed by the government. With its instinct for profit, the private sector has always been viewed as a threat to the spiritual quality of culture.   


But there was more. To protect its audiovisual industry from being overwhelmed by American movies and television programs, France has long limited American imports through quotas. To justify this “French exception” to free trade, it has argued that works of artistic creation should not be sold like toothpaste or Coca-Cola.    


Yet, to the three horrified curators whose protests were endorsed by 4,700 signatures on a petition, here was France about to “sell” its museums, or, as they put, its very soul. Further, they seemed to feel it was unseemly for France - the Louvre, no less - to enter into a partnership with a minuscule oil-rich emirate with 1.6 million people and no cultural tradition.      


But the government did not back off. Not only is the payoff lucrative, but top French politicians decided it was time to make better use of one of the country’s greatest assets. They concluded that if France did not cash in, others would.  


They have a point: the globalization of museums is under way.  


Under its empire-building director, Thomas Krens, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation in New York led the way, first by adding the Guggenheim Bilbao in northern Spain to its traditional outpost in Venice, where it houses the Peggy Guggenheim Collection. It followed up with annexes in Berlin and Las Vegas. When Abu Dhabi began waving its checkbook, the Guggenheim quickly signed up.


The Guggenheim strategy has become something of a model. Both the Victoria & Albert Museum in London and the Georges Pompidou Center in Paris were ready to participate in the West Kowloon Cultural District in Hong Kong, now postponed. Since then, the Pompidou has agreed to oversee management of a new contemporary art museum carrying its name in Shanghai.   


The logic behind these expansions is that most European and American museums can display only a small part of their art. In fact, before thinking globally, both the Louvre and the Pompidou began building annexes in northern France, in Lens and Metz, to share their collections.   


The State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg profits from its relatively new outposts in London, Amsterdam and Las Vegas, while the Guggenheim also earns revenue from its satellites. These international forays also spread a museum’s fame. And with France’s government-owned museums, foreign out- reach enhances the country’s image.  


In most cases, art is following money. Auction houses and art fairs are heading for the Middle East, Latin America, Russia, China and India, where the new rich are finding that art is a good investment and a symbol of success.   


European and American museum visitors are discovering horizons of art through exhibitions of treasures lent by China, India, Iran, Afghanistan, Peru and Mexico.


The boundaries of art are shifting. While this move is propelled principally by money and image, if the result is to increase appreciation of - and participation in - the creative process, it can only be positive. But the peril facing globalized museums is that architecture, tourist-pleasing shows, gift shops and fancy restaurants become ends unto themselves. And, inevitably, art as business devalues art.


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